Friday, March 29, 2013

Remembering the Real Passion of Christ

They say that the hardest thing to do when writing an article is how to start it and to be honest I am having a difficult time conceptualizing how to even start this article.

When I was a kid I always long for hearing the word Good Friday since this simply tells me that it is the start of my summer vacation.

I was raised as a Catholic growing up and also studied at a catholic school during my high school but all I can think of about Good Friday is that this is the day wherein Jesus Christ was put to the cross and died.

But is that really what Good Friday is about?  Are there other things that we can get from Good Friday?

Good Friday can be best summed up in three words, Passion of Christ.

The word Passion comes from the Latin word for suffering but so we know, the passion of Christ is a story about injustice, doubt, fear, pain and ultimately death. It tells us how God experienced these things in the same way as ordinary human beings and until we are aware of what transpired during that fateful event in the life of Christ, we would really never know the real meaning of Good Friday.

So how do we go about remembering the Passion of Christ? By simply being aware of what happened to Jesus Christ, we should be able to discern and think of ways on how we can go about remembering it.
The entire Passion of Christ reminds us about two important things – Praying and Forgiving.

When Jesus Christ was going thru the suffering, humiliation, cruelty and condemnation from the very same people whom at one point He helped, Jesus did not flinch nor retaliate but simply took all of it and even came to a point wherein He prayed to the Father and asked for their forgiveness.

While many of us would prefer to go on vacation, spend it on a beach resort in Boracay or escape the summer heat and go north to Baguio.  Still it dawns me, is it how we should remember the Passion of Christ? Getting crucified and nailed on the cross is a stark reminder that Jesus Christ went through a lot to just redeem us from our sins.

We might have been wronged by someone close to us, whether a family member, officemates, friends or simply by someone we know and the least that we can do is to remember all about what God had gone thru and that is to pray for them and simply forgive.

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