Eternal Rewards closes the series: Unli – God’s limitless plans for you and me
Part 3 of the series Unli
– God’s limitless plans for you and me focused on how one can receive Eternal
Rewards as Bro. Jon Escoto, Laguna Feast Builder mentioned that the
type of rewards that we receive here on earth is imperfect and that we have
limited time to enjoy it.
Bro. Jon then stressed that even if we have limited time
here on earth to enjoy our rewards, he mentions that even if we are bound to
die, we continue to live
“We are not human beings having spiritual experience. We are
spiritual beings having human experience”
This is where Bro. Jon asserted that if life does not end
and rewards are real then true ETERNAL rewards are real.
But is there such a thing as eternal rewards? 3 truths
according to Bro. Jon that makes eternal rewards real
1. Heaven is real
2. Heaven is the ultimate reward
3. The kingdom of heaven is where the King is
As his final message, Bro. Jon said, that the ultimate and
eternal reward is Jesus and that the highest reward that one can get is Jesus.
“Jesus is the ultimate reward! Jesus makes the heaven, heaven”
Ending on a positive note he mentioned to everyone present
that if we feel blessed already because we are already reaping the rewards now,
he assures everyone that the best is yet to come.